Traditional beers with new school twists is what Yorkshire Square Brewery does best! New to Northern California, this LA based brewery is making great English style beers with newer hops and producing clean, drinkable brews! Join owner Gary as he makes his way to Concord and brings four different beers with him!
Tap list will include:
Alpha Papa Pale Ale
Big Nipper Unfiltered IPA
Early Doors NITRO Pale Ale
Tweedy West Coast IPA
Yorkshire Square was founded in 2015 by a Yorkshireman with a dream of British beer, this moved forward in 2016 with his connection with an American brewer trained in Yorkshire. We opened our doors in 2017 to the thriving craft brewing scene of Torrance, CA with the simple goals of British beer done right and cask at the highest level. We believe that British beer, cask ale, and pub culture have been maligned in America despite the incomparable contribution of British brewing to what is now the globally significant American craft beer renaissance. As such, we look to redress the balance of appreciation for British beer through brewing excellent old-school and modern British beer with a sense of place, spreading awareness and education about British beer and culture, innovating cask methods and passing on this knowledge, offering year-round cask and keg beers that reflect a British identity (real malt flavor, considered hopping, yeast presence, and superior drinkability), and utilize savvy education and marketing to properly re-introduce a wider public to honest and delicious British beer.
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Earlier Event: September 27
East Bay Brewer's Guild Night
Later Event: October 11
Concord Oktoberfest